Privacy & Data


Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) legislation I am required to inform you about the personal information that I collect, store & process/share on you which I may use to organise sessions & work with you.  

I will collect essential data from you, for example name, gender or preferred identity, sexuality, date of birth, address, next of kin details, telephone & emergency contact, email & information that will be relevant to the therapy such as GP’s details, medical history including prescription medication & mental health treatments, counselling history, session notes & invoices. 

This information is kept confidential & I do not share it with anyone except if legally required to or with your permission.  


In accordance with the British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy ethical framework requirements (embed, I receive professional supervision in my work.  Your identity remains confidential throughout these sessions.

In exceptional circumstances I might find myself in a position where I feel it is necessary to break our confidentiality agreement.  In such circumstances I follow the Ethical Framework of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy.